
Gorgeous Scenery of Hukou Waterfall

Out of Yan'an City. The Nanniwan. Off Broom Hill. Mountain, mountain, or mountain. Bumps along the way, all the way to dust, all the way to hot Jipan.
Around a mountain corner, is a mountain corner, took a dramatic turn, did not know how many turned the corner. Suddenly, that a churning in my chest a few years of rolling turbidity, suddenly broke into my eyes, so vivid, so real. Yellow ah, my Yellow River, you are coming from the ancient, you are coming from the clouds, you came spewing from my heart.
Qin Shiming, Han impregnable, the China Tour Yellow River flows from the disease before them and over, flowing into the Tang, Song flows into, flows into the Yuan Dynasty, toward the Xinghai hot keys, merged into the Eighth Route Army majestic voice, in my mind piled up a not stop until one reaches one's goal of "The Yellow River complex" - helpless and chaotic.
Go to the Yellow River, to the spout to! My heart I do not know how many times this issue cries. So, I am walking hurriedly, dusty, far away, came and "crowd source the Kunlun Yan, Yu-nine turn off a pot of revenue" of the surging Yellow River meet.
Nine along the Yellow River, the "town lying mad flow" Meng door, car dealers two kilometers, then to aggressive Hukou Waterfall of the roaring head start, a moment to intake of my heart and soul. Universal acoustic shock, disdain world, emptying the turbid waves of momentum to the mighty sky to protest: "the vast universe, but myself?"
Such as Lei Ruting the ring, shock you, burning you, intimidate you, so you can not close, so you can not even breathe loudly. Heaven and earth luck, being in the mountains of stacked Ridge, Yellow River, are doggedly, proud to "small globe," show the existence of life, blooming, active and strong.

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Best China Tour: Anhui

1-7 months, Anhui province of domestic visitors 10,840.23 million, an increase of 25.92%; domestic tourism income 81.444 billion yuan, an increase of 33.58%. Anqing, Huangshan, Xuancheng, Hefei four cities the number of domestic tourists increased by more than 30%; Bozhou, Wuhu, Hefei, Bengbu, Huangshan, Ma On Shan, Anqing City, seven domestic tourism revenue grew more than 30%. Hefei, Huangshan, Anqing, Chizhou, Wuhu, Bengbu City, Ma On Shan seven domestic visitors exceeded 500 million people, including Hefei, Huangshan, Anqing three cities exceeded $ 10 million. Hefei, Huangshan, Chizhou, Anqing, Wuhu, Xuancheng 6 City domestic tourism revenue exceeded 3.0 billion, including Hefei, Huangshan cities of domestic tourism revenue exceeded 10 billion yuan.

Third, the reception area of focus

1-7 months, Anhui Province, 68 key monitoring tourist areas (spots) tourists 4,066.42 million, an increase of 17.96%; ticket sales 1.142 billion yuan, an increase of 18.27%, growth of 4.17 percentage points. July, 68 in Anhui Province key monitoring tourist areas (spots) tourists 5,850,200 passengers, up 22.7%; ticket sales 205 million yuan, an increase of 25.71%. 1-7 months received more than one million people have Mount Huang, Tianzhu, square special joy in the world, Fuyang scenic Bali River 11. Ticket revenues in excess of ten million dollars a Mount Huang, Tianzhu, square special joy in the world, Wuhu yarshan flowers Shilin, Hefei Wild Animal Park, Fuyang ecological paradise, Bali River 19 scenic spots.For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


China Travel Service: Tanabata Tour Festival

The afternoon of August 6, the Second China (Yun West) * Tianhe Tanabata Culture and Tourism Festival "business opportunities" Trade Fair in Yunxi Tianhe International Hotel. 5 success of the project contract, the contract funds up to 9.4496 billion yuan. 2 major tourism projects in which construction funds totaling 620 million.

It is reported that the Fair introduce item 103, of which: Automotive Auto 12 projects, 10 industrial park projects, 13 industrial projects, mining, industrial and downstream product development projects 20, 15 agricultural projects, tourism product development projects 15, 18 other industrial projects. Signing of major tourism projects are the East Austrian industrial investment of $ 500 million to build eco-agriculture sightseeing garden Qinchu; Guizhou Eastern Wine Company invested 120 million yuan to develop tourism projects Huanglong Cave.

Yunxi appointed secretary of the county once in his speech, Hu said in recent years, Yunxi always put investment to promote economic development as the first engine, always with an open mind, positive attitude, extraordinary courage, preferential policies, good service to attract and accept all major projects in the county "settled." Tanabata cultural development, has been a minor celebrity in the country to Yunxi with City Tianhe Road, North Ring Road, Ring Road completed before the end, urban area expanded from the current 9.8 square kilometers to 25 kilometers, high-end residential areas, rational distribution of tourist areas, a livable, desirable tourist industry, city, civilized city, the city health, eco-city will be a real show. "12.5" period, will build the world's Marriage Exposition (at 5A level scenic spots to build), Tianhe Scenic Area, the Tianjin city, the three official international hunting and other four 4A above area. Hu once said that with the Seibu high-speed rail in the "12th Five" Start building north of the city industrial park expansion, Yunxi environmental advantages, location advantages will become more prominent, will become all customers Yunxi competing investment.For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


China Discovery Tour: Yichun Discovery Tour

Eleventh National CCTV model contest for TV 69 young and beautiful figure Qiju Yi Chun. They smile the challenge and face setbacks, determined to pursue a dream. I still remember, as slippery floors, porcelain Wang Xuan 27 players accidentally falls on the stage, but elegant style self-confidence up, won warm applause and high praise from the judges; remember, from the Beijing Institute of Clothing players that Hiroko, review, continuous improvement, and ultimately with her elegant atmosphere of the typhoon, conquered the audience of judges and the audience ... They sentimental moonlight in Yichun, flying youth, chasing beautiful, grown up.
Yichun Hope Primary School in order to offer a caring, June 19, CCTV 11th National Model Contest promotion of the 14 models, in the scenic mountain moon shot on location, for tourists offer a wonderful performance art show . They will live to raise the 10,000 yuan of money donated to the local town of Hope Primary School hot water. "Through the game, I not only understand the stick to the important and more valuable to understand love, this time to raising money for the children Yichun, is my most unforgettable memories."
During the contest, the courage to test players, the team specifically chose the theme of dance with the snake shot for photo. Not from Xinjiang Abdurixit Du told reporters, at the beginning, she trembled with fright, and later, in the teacher's help and encouragement, she suddenly felt like a mother with a snake, the snake care of the feelings of wells. She feels this is her life can not forget the memories.For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


China Discovery Tour: China Danxia Scenery

To reviewing and summarizing the success of China Danxia included the first anniversary of the World Natural Heritage's work history and development results and fulfill "Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage", to promote the world's natural heritage resources, China Danxia strict protection and sustainable use, August 2, from China landform world Natural Heritage coordinating Leading Group organized Taining national Scenic zone Danxia China hosted the World natural Heritage protection Committee Inaugural professional first working meeting was held in Taining .

Meeting reviewed and summarized the success of the first anniversary of China Danxia to the work, considered by China Danxia World Natural Heritage Protection Committee of the professional program of work, professional Protection Committee and the Committee of Experts on the list of lists, and unanimously adopted "on the August 2 Japan identified China Danxia world Natural Heritage on the written proposal. "China Danxia World Heritage Committee was established to protect the professional, for strengthening China Danxia World Heritage protection and management of resources and scientific use, and promote the overall development of China Danxia area and local economic and social sustainable development are of great significance .

It is understood that since the success of World Natural Heritage Taining after taining to strengthen the protection of natural resources, set up a special bureau to strengthen protection of scenic resources, tourism resources protection, while playing World Heritage tourism branding and use, especially since 2011, Thailand rather rapid development of tourist reception, as in the first half, taining a total of 1.48 million tourists trips, an increase of 70% in 2010.For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


Best China Tour of Suzhou

Ancient cultural depth tour, Suzhou in recent years, pushing the tourism brands. Jinchang Tourism around this theme to promote the development of tourism, allowing visitors to slow down the pace, depth city streets, savor the Soviet way of life. Jin Chang focus on the standardization of tourism, improve the area, "food, housing, transportation, travel, shopping and entertainment, the" six elements of the standard system, the Marriott Hotel, Eldo Hotel, Le Xiang International Travel Service Co., Ltd., International Sports Travel Co. companies, more than 20 units are incorporated into the system by creating standardized Tourism provides visitors experience a more comfortable visit.

Among them, the ponds and Tourism Development Corporation is the subject of travel model created unit, at present, ponds Street visitor center and scenic spots on the LED light box, set the scroll broadcast standards on tourism promotion slogan, Stone Road Pedestrian Street, ponds and other prominent area sections also set up many promotional billboards, creating a strong atmosphere created. Food tourism is a major feature of ponds, dry Sheng-Yuan Holiday Hotel, Caizhizhai, Song Helou, etc. are now into the area in which standardized system, visitors can enjoy in addition to the authentic Soviet-style dim sum, the Soviet Union to help food outside, but also enjoy the standard of service. Ponds' roll gods ", such as in ponds and the wind plot tourism projects, the visitors through the Seven Mile ponds this fan" window "to understand the deep flavor of Wu culture. In May this year, also for the team off ponds Street launched the "Dream Tour ponds," the new project, visitors can enjoy the Roadway scenery by boat and shore temple tour gourd and enjoy "Dream of Red Mansions" in twelve other romantic to style. Next, the project is expected to open to the FIT.For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


China Budget Tour: Fujian Bus Tour

Correspondent 2 learned from the provincial Department of Transportation, the province will be the passenger stations, passenger vehicles and vigorously promote the work safety supervision and equipment installation. It is reported that in mid-August before all of the province's sleeper bus to Hoi monitor. Before the end of December to be the province for more than three terminal configuration, use of dangerous goods detector, before the end of the province's tourism charter, three bus lines to be installed above the class satellite positioning device.

According to statistics, as of the end of July, the province's 23 a bus terminal, 70 two terminal, dangerous goods detectors have been installed, the end of September before the Department of Transportation will use a comprehensive inspection of the organization; Under the arrangement, 35 three terminal to the end of class with all dangerous goods detector, equipped with terminal overdue, penalties will be downgraded.

In order to facilitate road transport and passenger transport companies and other departments, the operation of the dynamic master coach, half-way to prevent overcrowding of passenger boarding and bus driving, sleeper cars all across the province, especially the inter-provincial, inter-city sleeper vehicles to August installed before the middle of the video monitor. Will not install video monitors in sleeper cars, will be ordered to shutdown.

Also, all tourist charter, more than three classes-line buses, must be installed before the end of the required satellite positioning device, and access to provincial and municipal monitoring of key operating platforms and associated network traffic control system. Not complete the installation of the bus, from next year, will be eligible for suspension of operation of the vehicle certification.For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


Huangshan Scenic Area Winter Tour

From the travel alert display Huangshan Scenic Area, Huangshan now is the concept of clouds and enjoy the winter snows, ice hanging look, see Rime, a golden opportunity to experience the lucky Buddha. In addition, the Huangshan Scenic Area in this year's winter will arrange a series of planned promotional activities, in addition to 40% off ticket prices, the eco-walk will be held high, Pin Hui taste food and other interesting tours.

During the Huangshan Dong, Huangshan Tourism Development Co., Ltd. belongs to the hotel will also carry out "get scenic Huangshan Huizhou food products" activities, the hotel will launch Slices of the main tone of the food packages, specials every week there will be a Special bargain. In addition, from mid-December to January next year, Huangshan Scenic Area will be in the Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta and the northern Anhui, Hefei, Huangshan Dong activities organized by people, and strike out the Korean market, the joint major scenic spots of Huangshan City to Seoul, Busan held a "large-scale product description Huangshan Dong", and promotion of well-designed product line Huangshan Dong tourist attractions, and further develop the Korean market.For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


Travel to Shandong Top 10 Ecological Tour Destinations

31. Juli wählte die Jury Dazhong Netzwerk Beurteilung und Bewertung Experten auf dem Gebiet Beurteilung, Provinz Shandong, die "Top Ten Wald ökologische Landschaft", Weifang Linqu Yishan National Forest Park, Forest Park, Shouguang Bohai zwei provinzielle Landschaft Provinz Shandong, erhielt den "Ten Wald Landschaftsökologie" ausgezeichnet.

Berichten zufolge in der Provinz Shandong Forestry Bureau, die Provincial Tourism Bureau, der Provinzial Wald Culture Association gemeinsam die "Shandong zehn Wald ökologische Landschaft"-Wettbewerb, die Jury durch die National Forest Scenic Resource Assessment Kommission, die Provincial Forestry Bureau, Provincial Tourism organisiert Bureau, der Provinzial Wald Resource Assessment Committee und die Landschaft der Medien-Experten. Nehmen Sie an der Auswahl der Wald ökologische Landschaft sind die physikalischen Landschaftsökologie, Landschaft, einschließlich forstlichen Ressourcen in einem einzigen geologischen, kulturellen, biologischen, hydrologischen, Landschaft und Himmel sind verwendet worden, aber nicht die Verwendung von hohem Wert oder Sightseeing-Expedition Abenteuer-Wert Einzel Waldökologie und Landschaft. Linqu Yishan National Forest Park, Forest Park, Shouguang Bohai zwei Provinzen Landscape Award.

Es versteht sich, dass die gegenwärtige Weifang Stadt Yishan, Heaven Hill, Shouyang Hill National Forest Park 3, Zhucheng Malta Bergen und anderen Provinzen Anqiu Wulong Forest Park 8, St. Shuiyu Qingzhou, Fangzi Kowloon Stream und andere kommunale Waldpark 12.For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


Yellow Mountain Promotes Summer Holiday Tour

Span of two months of summer, is becoming a prime tourist reception of another season. Since the summer of this year, Huangshan firm hold summer travel, travel to visit the region to actively organize around cities and Hangzhou, Wuhan and other places to carry out marketing, to achieve a steady growth of the summer tourist reception. According to statistics, July and August this year, Huangshan District, 633 000 passengers were tourists, a substantial increase over last summer.

The beginning of summer, Huangshan Tourism Committee held a lead organization in due course a period of nearly half of the "cool world Countryside" special caravan promotional activities, promotional activities to highlight the main travel policy. In the surrounding Hefei, Anqing, Tongling, Bengbu, Wuhu, Xuancheng and other cities held a "cool world Countryside" promotion, in each city selected 1-2 in the cities and areas with higher market share Travel within the promotional marketing, District Tourism Committee is actively working with local tourism authorities to contact to obtain official support organization of local travel agents to participate in promotion activities. Marketing strategy changes, greatly aroused the enthusiasm of travel agencies, travel agencies have shown an unprecedented initiative. Tour in the summer have launched a special tourism routes, more segments of various tourism products and individuality, all kinds of summer camps, study tours, travel and other science lifted more people's appetite to promote summer tourism numbers continue to grow. Huangshan Olympic travel agencies, travel agencies and other train travel a lot especially prosperous summer, the province outside the province of the train line roads at full capacity. According to statistics, the summer months, tourists travel the region nearly 20 million passengers, an increase of 29.6%.

At the same time, the major area, summer resort also introduced a variety of activities to attract the attention of all visitors. Taiping Lake scenic summer in Shanghai, Hefei and other water sports tourism to carry out a special promotion, summer heat, movement of such hydrophilic undoubtedly become the first choice for family travel and leisure city. Jadeite area held a grand "First Huangshan Valentines Day" events, 16 large-scale collective wedding couple kissing and intense competition, Valentine's scenic and cultural activities will be pushed to new heights. East Huangshan resort for summer school music teachers and students held a party group activities, the tourists who come here to spend a passionate and memorable summer. Hibiscus Valley area the soft opening of the "savage tribes" project so that tourists come to Huangshan harvest another surprise. Also, try to push from the beginning of May the "Ten, one vote" in the summer matures, so that individual self-drive visitors can enjoy half price tickets the Huangshan area attractions. Summer Huangshan major areas (spots) 390 000 passengers were tourists, an increase of 31.9%.For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


China Pepper Tour of Guizhou

July 28 morning, the reporter from the Sixth National Conference and pepper industry in Guizhou International Pepper Festival press conference was informed by the National pepper Industry Alliance, China Agricultural Society of specialty Branch of the China Branch of the Society of Horticulture pepper, Chinese vegetables Circulation Association, China market Institute, Guizhou Xingnong Wei, Zunyi municipal government organized Xingnong Wei of Guizhou, Zunyi City hosted the "Guizhou pepper popular in the world, red pepper Zunyi City" theme "of the Sixth National Conference and pepper industry in Guizhou international pepper Festival ", 2011 August 4 to 5 was held in Zunyi. At present, the U.S. seed company Monsanto Shengnisi, Syngenta Seeds, Han Guoshi Agricultural Seed Co., Ltd., Dongying Co., Ltd. and other four foreign seed companies to enroll; outside the province has more than 220 enterprises and units registered for the exhibition.

According to reports, Guizhou is China's most resource-rich features pepper the area is one of the key areas of national planning pepper, pepper cultivation and processing industry scale ranks first in the country in 2010, the province's pepper acreage 340 acres, about 15% of the country, there is a "Guiyang Ming 'Laoganma' style food limited liability company" as the representative of more than 130 chili processing enterprises, processing products, mainly oil pepper, hot pepper, fermented hot pepper, red pepper and spicy flavor of food factors and other deep-processed products. One chili oil products in the country's market share has reached 70%, exports more than 40 countries and regions. Zunyi pepper shrimp market with annual sales exceeded 10 million. Pepper is not only one of Guizhou's major agricultural products, chilli products, such as "Laoganma" flavor of the food product is one of the main tourist Guizhou.

August 4, at "the Sixth National Conference and pepper industry in Guizhou International Pepper Festival 'opening ceremony, chili and other products on sale, and trade talks, on August 5, the organization delegates visited more than 20 places in Guizhou pepper varieties and quality characteristics more than 300 domestic and foreign new pepper varieties show excellent base, 25 km long industrial belt pepper, chili famous enterprises and wholesale markets, visit the red and green eco-tourism attractions.Currently, "the Sixth National Conference and Guizhou International Chili Pepper Industry Day" preparations have been completed.For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


2011 China Hefei Tour

Recently, the city authorities Tourism Organization held all the staff study and implementation of General Secretary Hu Jintao, "July" important speech, symposium, and actual work to start seminars, determined to work to promote a more solid across the Hefei tourism development.

Hefei Tourism Bureau cadres and workers have said it will study and implement the "July" speech and "Anhui Provincial People's Government on the implementation of the tourism industry to further accelerate the development of opinions" as an opportunity to focus on international and domestic markets to expand the influence of Hefei tourism brand promote the project, focused on building "big project upright, small projects overwhelming" development pattern, and enhance management and market regulation, and further standardize the market order. This year, will focus on promoting tourism Hefei Economic Zone and deepen the implementation of an interactive mechanism to accelerate e-government and e-commerce Hefei tourism platform, identify the force point to promote tourism across the development of Hefei. This year, Xinxiang tourism continue to maintain healthy and rapid development of the first half of the domestic tourism revenue 4.07 billion yuan, up 22.2%; received 6.15 million domestic tourists trips, an increase of 18%.

In the first half, Xinxiang City, the tourism industry continue to maintain healthy and rapid growth. In addition to the number of domestic tourists continue to climb, the inbound showing strong growth. South Korean tourists last year exceeded 22,000 people this year after South Korean tourists continued to maintain strong growth momentum, the end of June, has received 12050 visitors Korean tourists year is expected to exceed 30,000. This year, more than 20 Taiwanese travel agent to Xinxiang step on the line, the Taiwan tourist market will be fully launched. The second is to maintain strong momentum of investment in tourism projects. Of thousands of Spirit Mountain Climbing Park, Lu Tomb, off Hill tourist area of high-end facilities for the tourist reception facilities on behalf of the project investment of nearly $ 700 million.For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


China Tours Anhui Regulates Tourism

This reporter recently learned from the Tourism Bureau of Anhui Province, a tourist market regulation storm is quietly blowing. The "zero or negative fare", "head money", "hire the black vehicle" will be the key areas. It is understood that tourism advertising, will focus on the containing "zero or negative fare", below normal cost price, fraud publicity, range, and to unauthorized foreign destination, etc. and the use of ambiguity, climb of , misleading language, marketing, tourism advertising illegal.

In the travel contracts, will focus on the travel agents do not travel with the group of tourists entered into the contract specifications, or intentionally concealed in the travel contract in tourist shopping, the behavior of the project at their own expense.

The tour guide services, will focus on the tour, forcing tourists shopping tour, forcing tourists to visit attractions at their own expense, to participate in the project at their own expense, without permission kickbacks, unauthorized changes to itineraries or travel service standards to reduce illegal behavior.

Provincial Tourism Bureau official said, for the inspection and unannounced visits to the problems found, in addition to administrative punishment, the related companies will cancel the annual selection of advanced qualifications, and to be exposed through the media. Serious offense, the nature of bad circumstances are serious, causing serious harm to tourism enterprises, according to the "Travel Regulations" and other relevant laws and regulations, shall be severely punished.For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


Air Flights Promotes Anhui Tours

Air wings for tourism. Have been achieved in direct Hefei Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and Asia all the main source of coverage, the routes of the province's inbound pull effect gradually. January to June, Anhui inbound tourists reached 1,059,800 passengers, an increase of 36%.

Since 2009, Anhui Province, began to open the full support of government subsidies to regional and international routes, domestic encryption key tourist routes. Hefei Airport 2010 passenger throughput reached 3.8 million, an increase of 18.8%, Huangshan, Anqing, Fuyang three airport traffic and charter flights, cruises, train volume show rapid growth momentum.

Overseas routes has increased, with enhanced accessibility, and convenient transportation to stimulate the rapid growth of tourists in our province. 1 June 2011, the province's inbound tourists reached 1,059,800 passengers, an increase of 36%. Among them, 235,707 people of Taiwan tourists, an increase of 40.06%; Macau visitors 54,270 visitors, an increase of 87.38%; tourists in Hong Kong 182 512 passengers, an increase of 49.14%; Korean tourists 196,370 passengers, an increase of 42.45%; Singapore Visitors 31,151 visitors, an increase of 81.34 %. Singapore and Macau routes also boosting the tourism market in Thailand and Malaysia, Thailand, visitors 14,346 visitors during the first half, up 71.07 percent, Malaysian tourists 15824 passengers, an increase of 5.75%.
In addition, tourism enterprises in Anhui Province this year, tourist charter flights, cruises, train the flight forecast is 369 (column) times, respectively, year on year growth of 200%, 225%, 239%.For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


Customize Fujian Tours

Hercynian the second quarter of 2011, finance, tourism, consumer confidence index conference recently held at Xiamen University. Xiamen, Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Tourism and custom China tour the Centre for Asia Pacific Tourism invited to attend the official launch.

Survey shows that the second quarter Hercynian finance, tourism, consumer confidence index is 97.66, which indicates that overall confidence in the Ming Haixi residents slightly less, down 3.09 points, slightly higher than the 0.12 point ring, basic flat. The tourism index bucked the market trend for the three highest index score (107 points), up 1.72 point, growth of 4.37 points. The investigation found that the Hercynian residents travel index bucked the market trend of the main reasons are: the just-concluded third Strait Forum, Xiamen City, with Beijing, Shanghai, mainland residents with personal tour included the first pilot city, Xiamen will this is an opportunity to seize the strength to build Taiwan Strait tourism brand; the rapid development of China's high-speed rail, gradual improvement over high-speed rail network and the motor car - Fuzhou, Wenzhou-Fuzhou, Xiamen-Shenzhen Railway and China custom tours other residents to enhance the travel Hercynian convenience; personal threshold will be adjusted to 3500 yuan strengthened the purchasing power of most residents of Hercynian and tourist spending power.

Consumer confidence index, reflects the strength of consumer confidence indicators, is considered to predict economic trends and consumer trends as a leading indicator, but also detect changes in the economic cycle, an indispensable basis. The results ranged from 0 to 200 index points between the confidence index value increases by increments, which, if the index falls between 0 and 100, is biased pessimistic; if the index falls between 100-200, the optimistic bias; 100 neutral level.For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


Minority Discovery: Jiangyan Wetland Tour

Jiangyan invested 15 million yuan to implement the communication and Qin River Green Lake Wetland, vegetation restoration project completed. In recent years, Jiangyan based wetland biodiversity conservation and development, the protection of wetlands combined with China discovery tours the development of tourism not only created a virtuous cycle of Qin Lake wetland ecosystem, and to create the ringing of the wetland eco-tourism tourism brand. This approach also led by the State Forestry Administration, believes that the Qin Lake Wetland Park to create a resource protection and development of both a new model.

Qin Lake area is famous, Jiangsu Province, one of the three low-lying land, with the wetland area of ​​2600 hectares, is the rare freshwater wetlands. In the travel agency China past, state and local investment in each year a certain amount of funds used to protect the region's wetland resources. However, this protection only in the traditional sense of the passive protection of valuable wetland resources did not produce any economic benefits. In recent years, Jiangyan vigorously develop tourism resources, development of tourism industry, formed a "one lake (Lake Qin), a town (Qintong), district (cross the river eco-technology park in Jiangsu), a (Qintong boat Festival), "tourism brand. On this basis, the city again as an important wetland resources in tourism development, construction of the province's first national wetland park, the Qin Lake extends from the simple to the eco-tour leisure, to achieve the protection of wetland resources and tourism development promoted simultaneously.For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour

Minority Discovery to Sanmenxia City

To enhance the city's tourism quality supervision overall quality of law enforcement officers and law enforcement standard, recently, Sanmenxia City Tourism Bureau to China discovery tours the National Tourism Administration "strengthen supervision and management practices on the tourism market order of the views of" the spirit of the document based on integrated tourism laws, regulations, Sanmenxia travel with reality, and published the "Sanmenxia municipal tourism administrative enforcement manual."

"Sanmenxia tourism administrative enforcement manual," a collection of national, provincial and municipal tourism market supervision and monitoring system requirements, it is the compilation of, first, help to regulate the tourism market Sanmenxia City, the tourism market order and carry out supervision and enforcement; the second is clear that law enforcement personnel, law enforcement standards, to better serve service enterprises, the role of social services; third is in line with current national tourism market travel agency China supervision work ethic, Sanmenxia City, to further strengthen the construction of tourism law enforcement personnel play an active role.

The solicitation by the Tourism Council, both home and abroad engaged in the design of the creators of a collection or hobby Zhengzhou tourism slogan and image identification. Apply for work required to fully reflect the tourism resources of Zhengzhou, the essence of the typical characteristics and culture, with a strong appeal and spread of power. Activities last three months, the final assessment of the slogan and the image of a logo using Award, Award of Excellence of 10. Get used to the author of the award prize of $ 100,000 for the author to obtain the reward excellence award 1000. The definitive image of the logo and slogan will be used as in the preparation of the "Zhengzhou tourism industry plan" to promote an integral part of the application, the full import of the city's tourism marketing, event planning, publicity materials production, and institutions such as the cultural construction work.For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


Minority Discovery in Anqing

This reporter recently learned from Anqing tourism sector, in the first half, Anqing City, showing a high-end tourist market growth tourists, overnight visitors increased, per capita consumption and so on. The city received a total of 12,172,900 passengers and foreign tourists, up 33.12%; total tourism income of 7.128 billion yuan, an increase of 35.91%.

This year, Anqing municipal government focus on "the tourism as a strategic pillar industry of national economy and people more satisfied with the China discovery tours modern service industry", tourism development plan for new initiatives, the development of tourism to a new climax. In the first half, Anqing City, continue to promote the "billion tourism project engineering." The city under construction, the proposed tourism projects in 188, the investment amounted to 53.6 billion yuan. Among them, the billion of tourism projects under construction in 45, 5 10 million over the project, included in the province, "861" Action Plan Project 33. 45 billion yuan in the construction of tourism projects, according to national standards for the construction of the project area 5A 2, according to the standard construction projects 4A area 23, according to the standard five-star hotel construction project 8, most of the items in the "second five-Year "during the build.

This year, Anqing City will continue to promote the tourist attractions to create and rural tourism development, growing tourism appeal, and efforts to strengthen travel agency China the work of creating high-star hotels, the city's three-star hotels reached 24. Seven hotels in the province was named 2010 Outstanding star hotel. In addition, Anqing City, this year, building identification system to enhance the tourism, started the first 76 city tourism signage construction.For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


Minority Discovery in Sanping

Recently, Pinghe declared "second" cross-strait (Fujian peace) Three flat founder Culture and Tourism Festival "recently passed the approval of the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office of the inclusion of the Taiwan Affairs Office 2011 key planning exchange programs.
Three-level temple was built in AD 845, has been the history in 1166, is a Taiwanese famous Millennium Temple. Master of the temple was dedicated to the China discovery tours, meaning of the villagers in Fujian, and overseas as the "three-level founder of the public", the believers all over the Fujian, Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Southeast Asia. Three-level temple is a calm and even cultural exchanges between Taiwan, Zhangzhou, foreign travel to carry out an important window of religious pilgrimage. Founder of a long history of cross-strait cultural exchanges, founder of the Taiwan people on three levels of public worship, adding to the three levels of public temple to worship the founder, founder and cultural exchanges to increase year by year, Taiwan compatriots, compatriots on both sides has greatly enhanced the cultural identity, to deepen the friendship and affection. Three levels this year, founder of Culture and Tourism Festival will be from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots, the sub-temple in Taiwan, Southeast Asia, sub-temple, the southern region of the three split the Temple, and many overseas pilgrims and merchants to the event, feel the deep cultural heritage of the founder, founder of the lingering cultural experience distant.
Levels and county government will also be "second" cross-strait (Fujian peace) Three flat founder Culture and Tourism Festival "as an important travel agency China opportunity to further dig three levels founder and cultural ties across the Taiwan Straits in a wide range, the Taiwan compatriots to promote cultural identity, promoting peaceful uniform potential and value for three flat founder cultural exchange and dissemination of the island, and strive to make the country the founder of culture and cultural exchanges with Taiwan's loud brand.For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


Minority Discovery Zhejiang Tour

According to the Zhejiang Tourism Bureau official, the "Eleventh Five-Year" average annual growth of the province's total tourism income of 19.16%, the China discovery tours, overall strength of the tourism economy has risen to third in the country, the province's tourism project total investment of about 290 billion yuan, is "15" during the nearly four-fold.
Insiders pointed out that, behind the rapid development of tourism, Zhejiang Province, has demonstrated a few counties still in the spontaneous state tourism economy, tourism growth in consumer demand and lagging behind the development of tourism and other conflicts, is not strong tourism enterprises, tourism, international level not high.
Zhejiang Provincial Government in the proposed plan, "five-second" period, to achieve tourism growth "significantly higher than two," that is significantly higher than the provincial average annual GDP growth rate was significantly higher than the national average annual tourism growth of tourism in the national economy gradually increased the proportion of the main indicators. By 2015, the province's total tourism income of more than 600 billion yuan; tourism value added value added services accounted for 13% of the proportion of tourism on the local financial contribution rate of 5.5%.
The responsible person said, Zhejiang travel agency China Province, in the "five" period will focus on building a more developed tourism economic zone, construction in Hangzhou, Shaoxing, Jiaxing and Huzhou tourism as the main economic zone north of Zhejiang, Hangzhou, give full play to the leading role to the ancient Yue culture, Jiangnan style and culture to support the canal town, accelerate the upgrade of Shaoxing, Wuzhen, Nanxun and a number of city blocks of town travel and leisure, to accelerate the development of Thousand Island Lake, Taihu Lake, South Lake and a number of hills and red leisure travel block, accelerate the construction of Changxing, Anji, Deqing and a number of rural tourism and leisure block, so that tourism continues to be the province and the Yangtze River Delta economic development of the core power area.For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


China Minority Discovery: Luoyang Tour

China Tourism Research Institute recently released in the second quarter of 2011, the national tourist satisfaction survey report, 50 samples in Luoyang city China discovery tours ranked 17th, ranking in the first quarter improved significantly.

It is understood that China released the National Institute of visitors to tourist satisfaction survey, China's most authoritative survey of tourism, included sampling of 50 sample cities is the tourist city's representative. Survey party through the network survey, the FIT leaflets survey, telephone survey, etc., for tourists from all over the country conducted a sample survey by the visitors to tourist attractions in different cities, travel agency services, hotel accommodation, shopping satisfaction overall travel agency China evaluation score, ultimately determine the rankings. In the second quarter of this year, the national tourist satisfaction survey, the city tourist satisfaction is 77.56, in the "good" level, since 2009 the survey has been released, ranking the first time into the national top 20.For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


Minority Discovery: Hangzhou Welcomes UNESCO Experts

West World Heritage List, UNESCO experts and staff for the first time a return visit to Hangzhou. Experts told the class Delin Hangzhou: "Every morning, I have a cup of Longjing tea at home, when I think of poetic West Lake."

Signed a "memorandum of strategic partnership"
UNESCO World Heritage China discovery tours Centre and cultural classes Delin, Assistant Director-General over 180 cm tall, wearing a navy blue short-sleeved shirt, suit trousers, classic elegance of European men, to see the reporter, smiled initiative to shake hands, I just learned French greeting: "BONJOUR (Hello)!" He is very happy also to answer.
The Lai Hang, class Delin and on behalf of UNESCO World Heritage Centre, International Cities Research Center, Hangzhou, West Lake Scenic Zone signed a "memorandum of strategic partnership" in the hope future research on cultural heritage protection can have more cooperation.
"UNESCO World Heritage Centre can have more cooperation with Hangzhou, West Lake, the better development of cultural heritage, such as training or travel agency China something." Classes Delin said, "inscription success is just the beginning, the West Lake in the future in cultural heritage protection will encounter challenges, such as development, tourism, global warming, etc., so the need for cooperation. "For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


Travel Agency China: Kaifeng Constructs Ancient River

Currently, the country near the river on the old course of the Northern Song Dynasty city ruins Tokyo census the allocated special funds already in place, "Grand Canal" Kaifeng, Henan section - near the river the old course of archaeological investigation and survey work China discovery tours will soon commence, the old course near the river when the city of Tokyo Song will appear in "real content."According to reports, "Grand Canal" is the world's longest artificial river, total length of more than 2,000 kilometers. Bian as the "Grand Canal" part of a long history in China plays an important role, especially with the development of ancient Kaifeng city has an extremely close relationship, in a sense that "near the river pass, Kaifeng Xing; Bian waste, Kaifeng bad. "

In line with the "Grand Canal" declared world cultural heritage, Kaifeng City, Henan Province has completed a "Grand Canal" Kaifeng section - Song Tokyo city near the river the old course program, the Bian River old course of the archaeological survey and investigation works will travel agency China commence shortly. Currently, the state of the city near the river Song Tokyo special funds allocated by the old course of the program in place. Reporters from the Northern Song Dynasty Kaifeng, the old course of the program in Tokyo learned the city near the river, the old course near the river Song Tokyo City Archaeological survey and investigation work in 2007 will be the basis of the archaeological field, the use of modern technology, the site of the old course near the river where the area to conduct a comprehensive survey create a data file, enter the information in Kaifeng archaeological operating system, focusing on the state survey and drilling east of the bridge near the river in the Northern Song Dynasty city ruins of Tokyo location, stratigraphic relationships, exploration of the state to add the old course near the river bridge west of the archaeological data.For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


China Discovery Minority: Shaowu Fantasy Watertown

Gimhae Tourism Development Co., Ltd. by the Fujian Investment and Development of Fantasy Water Shaowu Ziyun Lake, in Shaowu municipal government and relevant departments of the support, after a year and a half of construction, it has invested 10 million yuan, of which China discovery tours infrastructure investment 310 million purchase of recreational boat 17, boats 3, commanding a boat, and commercial boats and two 30-meter luxury yacht 1 (the yacht is currently the largest river in Fujian Province), total 700 million yuan; Ziyun entertainment on the lake shape: water recreation, sightseeing tours lake, water K song, water leisure clubs, has totaled more than 50,000 tourists visits, more than 40 employees.
Ziyun Dream Lake Tourism Development Project is located in Watertown Shaowu urban Fu Tunxi, unique landscape, night dream Yi Ni, is a collection of water sports, water tours, water sports and entertainment in one multi-functional tourism and leisure attractions. The total investment is 120 million yuan to develop water area of ​​1.2 square kilometers, the 4A level scenic spots in strict accordance with travel agency China standard construction, was the soft opening in June 2009.
Currently, Ziyun Lake Fantasy Water Project are closely around the lake on Ziyun project, relying on two sides with the landscape, attractions along the series "Shaowu Central Soviet Memorial," "Canglang Pavilion", "Qiao River House," "Po Yan Temple." form Shaowu day trip, trying to build 4A level scenic spots, plans more than 10 million annual tourists in.For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


Special China Tours: Kaifeng Tour Tickets

Kaifeng, Zhengzhou and Shenzhen People's long-awaited vote Kaifeng tourism official release on December 29. Kaifeng Municipal Committee, Organization China travel service Department Jibing Wei, vice mayor Sun Jigang, the leaders of relevant departments, the province around the city of Kaifeng City Tourism Bureau and the 16 areas (spots) were present at the launching ceremony tickets tourism.

Kaifeng Municipal Bureau of Tourism deputy director, the city tourist attractions in the management office ticket MA Bao-hua, addressed the launching ceremony. Kaifeng municipal government attaches great importance to Kaifeng tourism ticket distribution work, the city's 16 scenic spots (points) active participation of the public attention. After the city's Tourism Bureau, tourist attractions in China vacation the active work ticket management office, has completed the 16 areas (spots), and nearly one hundred point of sale network cabling, software installation and staff training, establish a sound system of ticketing and check-in . From early November to now, the community and the general public for the preparation of this work, advice and recommendations issued nearly ten thousand times. Can be concluded, Kaifeng tourism ticket issuance, will promote the rapid development of the city's tourism industry.For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


China Minority Discovery: Shenyang Regulates Public Information Mark

Recently, Shenyang Municipal People's Government promulgated the "Shenyang public information signs standardized management approach", from August 1, the first batch China discovery tours of 42 public information signs will be used consistently in the city. Shenyang is the second in Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Qingdao, the first 6 drawn up public information signs management practices of the city.

The first public information about the implementation of standards 42 marks, in accordance with state and industry have been promulgated and implemented a public information signs related standards, including universal symbol, symbol tourism and leisure, shopping, sign, road sign traffic safety operations, street guide maps . The first signs of public information covering virtually all areas of the sign, if the re-emergence of a second, it can only be modified and improved on some signs, as well as the emergence of new industries travel agency China and things. For countries not yet developed the industry standard, units and individuals to market quality and technical supervision departments to develop local standards recommendations.

If not set in accordance with the provisions of public information signs, or set of public information signs do not meet the "directory" listed in the standard; set of public information signs of damage, loss, etc., are not promptly repaired, updated; production, sales do not meet " directory "listed in the standard signs of public information products, by quality and technology supervision department shall order rectification; fails to do so, may impose a fine of 500-5000 yuan.For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


Minority China Discovery: Jinmen Free Tour in Xiamen

Reporters Liu Baijun "foreigners travel to Xiamen, a lot of people think of Taiwan, Kinmen, look, can now be more convenient to make the trip, but many people do not know." Xiamen, Fujian Province Public Security Bureau deputy party secretary, recently told the deputy director of Li Xiaobin legal Daily reporter said, for foreign tourists to visit Kinmen and Fujian Province travel, only Xiamen have such a China discovery tours good policy. According to statistics, "to go to Kim Ha temporary staff travel" policy since the implementation of 11 to 29 June, Xiamen Public Security Bureau went to Gold Rush Center tour for 1096 were continent certificate (registration filing of the 58 national staff ), and above from Hebei, Guizhou, Sichuan, Shanghai, Guangdong, Hunan, more than twenty provinces and cities.

According to Li Xiaobin introduced, after many years of enthusiasm, December 2010, Xiamen City, Fujian Province Public Security Bureau Public Security and the Public Security Bureau received notice, consent to carry out in Xiamen, Xiamen temporary period of temporary restrictions to cancel the travel preparations to go to the Golden Gate. Through the efforts of relevant departments, Xiamen temporary personnel travel agency China for tourism gold in March this year, the acceptance by the Ministry of Public Security. June 11 afternoon, the Xiamen Public Security Bureau held temporary personnel for the opening ceremony gold Tourism Accreditation Center, June 22, the CPC Central Committee's Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office Director Wang Yi announced at the Third Forum on the Strait of formal implementation of Xiamen "Ha temporary personnel for gold to travel" policy.For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


Minority Discovery: Ocean Legend Meets Tianjin

Yesterday, Tianjin Tourism Group, Tianjin Port Group and the U.S. signed a charter cruise company Royal Caribbean tourism cooperation agreement. Under the agreement, August 27, the world's largest fleet of tourist ships cruise company Royal Caribbean International brand's "Legend of the Seas" will once again come to China to Tianjin as the home port of departure, and Tianjin jointly open charter travel China discovery tours cooperation, and visitors from around the world 7 nights 8 days in Japan, South Korea travel routes. It is understood that, "Legend of the Seas" was in 2009 took the visitors to Tianjin Port, Tianjin, but this collaboration with the tourism charter is the first time.

It is understood that in recent years, the rapid development of international cruise tourism industry, from the Chinese ports of departure of the cruise route year after year growth. American Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines is the world's leading cruise company, its modern fleet of luxury known. Tianjin has a host of international cruise experience, but mainly in shore-based tourism, the Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines and the U.S. signed a partnership charter, the city organized a large-scale tourism in the whole route is an important travel agency China attempt, but also to accelerate the development of tourism in Tianjin efforts to build Tianjin as an international tourist destination and distribution center for an important measure, but also will lead a cruise home port of Tianjin, the construction and development of the cruise industry. Tianjin to develop the cruise industry this year, three-year development plan, the establishment of the Tianjin cruise center, this fall will be held at the 6th World cruise ship exhibition.For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


China Minority Discovery: Ninghai Tour Transferring Center

After a period of six months of preparation by the Tourism Authority to build the scenic Ninghai Ninghai tourism center on July 1 into trial operation, and on July 15 to be opened. The full liberalization of travel distribution center, will further improve Ninghai integrated tourism China discovery tours services, improve the tourism product mix, improve the level of information of tourism, building a complete and efficient city tour, reception and service system.

Ninghai County Tourist Center is located in the same three high-speed exit 1.5 km Ninghai, Ninghai County, is the Authority for the majority of tourist visitors to travel to provide quality services Ninghai established a comprehensive travel service platform, is a tourism image display, information travel agency China consulting, Ground guide service, mountain climbing guide service, souvenirs shop, hotel and restaurant reservations, ticket booking agents, tourist complaints received and other food, housing, transportation, travel, shopping and entertainment functions in one large "travel supermarket", a comprehensive area of ​​nearly million square meters, is the eastern Zhejiang region's largest, most comprehensive travel services distribution center. For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


Tibet Tours: Four Scenic Areas was Listed as China Top 100

Tourist accommodation in the year 2010 based on the 2010 list released yesterday, China hundred area, Anhui Province, there are four area finalists. Jiuhuashan Scenic Area to 4.23 million people in accommodation No. 18, Huangshan Scenic Area to 251 million people of the accommodation was Tibet Travel ranked No. 42, Tianzhu Mountain Scenic Area to 2.39 million trips accommodation ranked No. 44, Wuhu side special joy to the world's 2.1 million places ranked 53rd.

June 28, China's tourism industry first "hundred Chinese tourist attractions" release. What is a hundred scenic spots? Organizing Committee of China's tourism Billboard explained to those in 2010, ranking hundred scenic area is based on ticket sales across the country last year, the amount of statistics for ranking. In this list, the Beijing Palace Museum to 12.3 million passengers in tourist accommodation topped Tibet Tours the list. Reporters learned from the organizing committee, the ranking list were the lowest threshold is 82 million. List shows, visitors prefer landscape natural landscape. Natural scenic attractions list the proportion of up to 50%; historic sites, town, city, etc. account for 20% of the cultural landscape; partly man-made attractions proportion of 20%. For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


Special China Tours: Tianjin Promotes High-Speed Railways Tour

In response to the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway to the tourism market business opportunities in Tianjin, Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway will open to traffic at the occasion, the organization of the city of Tianjin government departments composed of a large tourism sector in the county promote advocacy groups in recent days along the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail publicity and China travel service promotion along the city to promote changes in Tianjin, Tianjin introduce new attractions, and provincial and municipal government departments and enterprises in the tourism sector and tourism fairs, a number of tourism cooperation agreements signed for high-speed railway to attract large numbers of tourists to come to Tianjin Tourism basis.

To meet the Beijing-Shanghai high speed railway, Tianjin, Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail for the pre-publicity for the layout, in Beijing, Jinan, Nanjing, Shanghai and other high-speed rail station, put a huge light box advertising, and introduced a number of incentives, encouraged by the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail to Tianjin visitors with valid documents such as tickets and identification cards free to visit some scenic spots in Tianjin tour and set up shop in Tianjin South Station inquiry points to guide China vacation foreign visitors to carry out the work. In recent days, Tianjin tourism promotion advocacy groups along the Beijing-Shanghai high speed railway line has to Jinan, Nanjing, Shanghai and other cities the theme of "take the high-speed rail, travel Tianjin" campaign, accompanying to Tianjin and the cities along the major travel agencies have Travel signed a cooperation agreement, Tianjin, Jiangsu and 10 travel agencies with a total of 20 travel agencies in Shanghai were jointly signed the "Tianjin, Jiangsu, tourism cooperation agreement the two teams" and "Tianjin and Shanghai teams tourism cooperation agreement." Tianjin high-speed rail along with Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Jinan, Changzhou, Bengbu also signed a "seven cities of Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail travel Springs Declaration Alliance," the spirit of "sharing of resources, mutual benefit and win-win" principle, seven cities together to create "traffic tourism" cooperation model. For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


Lhasa Buddha Exposition

Tibet is not only a beautiful and wonderful natural scenery of the magnificent, but the original in the unique cultural and religious beliefs. Thirty large and small festivals a year, with a total travel of people to go there, bringing countless peek into the emotion and surprise. The most solemn festival of course settle the Shoton, have at least the first time in Lhasa Shoton really feel the charm. To the Drepung Monastery in Lhasa Shoton locals will see the exhibition Buddha, the Buddha is known as the sun, which is why we tibet travel can not miss the main event! Shoton the first day, I told Kaiko sky is still black got up, went to Drepung taxi. We thought we were early, got there and saw a sea of ​​people who can already use to describe the scene at that time, the car can stop in a place far, and then we walk together along with Tibetan Drepung. Drepung hillside, the hill will wait sihou exhibition held in Santa Buddhist activities.

Finally the sun rose, the first ray of light exposure, the solemn Buddhist name sounded, the mountain stage of development of Buddhism slowly started a huge Thangka, Thangka is a huge township like a Buddha. When the colorful silk woven into the countenance of the Buddha showing peaceful, people have flocked to the statue before the white hada presented to the Lord Buddha, and finally hands together, kneeling to pray. The tibet tours atmosphere solemn and holy, as if the Lord Buddha is washing us, the secular mind. Drepung Monastery in the mountains along the walk in a circle, we went to the show opposite the Buddhist ceremony. After the Buddha when the whole show, dozens of young monks rolled up huge Thangka Buddha, arranged one after the word queue, in the accompaniment of solemn religious music will be carried back large hall Thangka. Sour Milk Drinking Festival performances will be held in the afternoon, I went with the Kaiko quickly go out to eat. Or else have to wait until so many people do not know when to eat the rice it! For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


China International Tourism Commodity Fair Opens in Yiwu

The afternoon of June 23, 2011 China International Tourism Commodity Fair held in Yiwu news conference. Party members of the National Tourism Administration, Planning and Finance Secretary Wu literature, the National Tourism Administration Deputy Director of Planning and Finance Hu Shuren, Zhejiang Tourism Bureau China discovery tours Deputy Director Xu Peng, Xiu Xian Yiwu Municipal Committee and more than 60 More than 90 media reporters attended the conference. Liu Zhijiang, China Tourism Association, chaired the meeting.
Hu Shuren highly appreciated, deputy director of the previous two fairs, has high hopes for the exposition. He stressed the highlights of this exhibition of seven, respectively, a higher degree of market-oriented theme more distinct, leading role in stronger economic effect is more prominent, more visible international exhibition, and the supporting activities of a richer, more complete exhibition service. He believes that the current China International Tourism Commodity Fair will be successful and become a major tourism and convention benchmark. Xu Peng, deputy director of the media presented to the Expo site preparations. He pointed out that the exposition will be "to expand the tourism industry functions to promote the tourism product innovation, promotion of national domestic demand growth" as the exhibition aims to "trade event, the trend of wind direction, cooperation and win-win" as the exhibition theme, highlighting trading, leading the trend, optimization services, to enhance the international exhibition, travel agency China professional, market-oriented, brand level, to promote innovation and development of tourism products. Up to now, the exposition has been confirmed exhibitors are 1526, a total of 2263 booths, there are 30 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps exhibitors, more Japan, Korea, the United States more than 30 countries and regions tourism units to the festival. Xiu Xian, deputy secretary of Yiwu city represents to exhibitors, guests welcome and extend my thanks, and introduced the recent development of Yiwu. Yiwu is a business city, business city, open city, is a charming exhibition of the city. Yiwu has been held for the two China International Tourism Commodity Fair, a collection of rich tourism resources and success. For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


China Lhasa Delicious Food

Point has often wanted to write something on Lhasa today, even on round after round, to see someone write about heroes Lhasa diet, although good, but obviously one-sided, tibet travel not very objective. So, like I know the food situation in Lhasa, give you a brief introduction, I hope to be able to help friends like to travel in Tibet.

When it comes to Tibet to eat, surely everyone will think of Tibetan meal. Then the first is that generally how the Tibetans have to eat, and what you can to try Tibetan food. First, that day must have "hidden face", "sweet tea" "potato," "Tibetan dumplings" Let me mention that there's sweet tea, hence tibet tours the name Incredibles is a sweet drink for Tibetans who must drink one day, or is the main drink, taste good, taste like tea. Do not explore the specific practices alone tell you this, there are restaurants in every possession, and the price is cheap, according to the capacity to calculate the fee, usually a few dollars a pot (thermos), according to different prices in different capacities, capacity calculated in pounds. Tibetans rely on this every day to supplement the heat required to kill time. For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


Discovering Tibetan Flavor in Longwu Temple

Longwu Temple has a long history, according to records was built in the Yuan Dynasty Dade five years (AD 1301) about the Sakya Monastery of Tibetan Buddhism, was a smaller scale. Hongwu years (1370), the implementation of the Ming Dynasty "by customs to rule" policy, business potential buildups Temple. China discovery tours Xuande first year (1462), monk Rinchen Miki once reconstruction Longwu Temple. Luo Zhe Senger as his brother was Longwu Temple religious leaders, was a proficient in the size of five clear, deep accomplished Buddhist scholar, enshrined by the Xuande emperor, was closed "Hong Xiu Miao Wu National Division", the formal establishment of this regional theocracy.

The family was later National Division title by five thousand. Ming Dynasty, Longwu Temple large hall built, Emperor Ming in the Apocalypse (1622 years) gave title "Western shengjing" plaque, hanging by the hall door first. 1630, summer positions I, Yajie Ai Danjia measures (considered to be the reincarnation of Miki once Rinchen) chaired Longwu Temple, popular with local people respected, built the monastery of reference travel agency China Nizatidine positions (Hyeonjong College). 23 years of the Qing Emperor Qianlong, the Qing court closed for the summer positions I, "Wang Xiu Longwu Temple Hutuketu Miaowu National Division," was when the 3rd Dalai promote the Gelugpa teachings in Qinghai, with strong pressure tumd Mongolia , the former Sakya Longwu twelve tribes of political and religious leaders, the regional theocratic rule lasted for nearly 200 years. For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


Zhejiang-Fujian Tour Corporation

June 16, Fujian and Zhejiang provinces along the 11 EMU signed in Xiamen city, "Tourism Quality Supervision work interaction and cooperation agreement." China discovery tours The signing of the agreement, visitors to ease travel for the two provinces has built a "quality assurance wall."
April 2010, Fujian and Zhejiang provinces since the launching of EMU, a great convenience for travelers between the two provinces and tourism cooperation between enterprises, but the ensuing disputes quality of tourism services is also presented new situations and new problems. To enhance the quality of tourism services, and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of tourists, tourism operators to maintain the legitimate rights and interests, to reduce the incidence of disputes tourism services, building a harmonious environment, tourism, June 13-17, Zhejiang Province, Director of Tourism Quality Supervision Wu Jianfen EMU led along Jiaxing, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Wenzhou and other cities in Fujian, director of quality Supervision and Ningde, Xiamen, Longyan, etc. quality Supervision jointly improve service quality, strengthen communication and cooperation, signed  travel agency China the cooperation agreement of Quality Supervision.
Marks the signing of cooperation agreements, cooperation agreements, such as tourist destination in the problems and disputes can be a request to the local tourism quality supervision department to help local tourism quality supervision to be promptly arrived on the scene, collecting evidence, handling complaints, resolve disputes, to avoid delay team travel, lay the foundation for follow-up. Meanwhile, the tourism quality supervision departments involved in the functions of the other cases can be transferred between the two sides do to each other, both quality and technical supervision departments have the responsibility and obligation to deal with complaints, after dealing with timely feedback.For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


China Macau Minority Tour

Full of local flavor of folk dance, auspicious festive lion dance ... As the ninth China Straits Technology and Projects Fair, one of the important activities of "Macao vitality Week" kicked off 18 in Fuzhou, Fujian, people close to Macau to enjoy one-stop style.
18 am, Macao Special Administrative Region Chief Executive Chui Sai On, secretary of the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee, Sun Chunlan, the Central People's Government in the China discovery tours Macao Special Administrative Region of the Liaison Office Bai Zhijian, acting governor of Fujian Province, Su Shulin, Fujian and Macao and other officials attended the opening ceremony and lion dance.
Macao Special Administrative Region Secretary for Economic Sutian Ping said that with the further deepening of the implementation of CEPA, Macao and the Mainland to strengthen economic and trade relations, the west side of the economic development strategy for the development of Macao, a valuable opportunity. Macau-commerce platform will give full play to the role, and Fujian to build comprehensive, multi-level economic and trade cooperation, help Fujian enterprises to explore international markets.
This is a "dynamic Macao Promotion Week" for the first time held in Fujian, a three-day exhibition area of 9,000 square meters, showcasing Macau, food, souvenirs, travel agency China wine and coffee, tourism and leisure products, consumer electronics, home products, apparel , jewelry, handicrafts and other thousands of full bodied style of "Made in Macao" and "speaking countries the product."
Meanwhile, the Macau University of Macau, on display in 2 State Key Laboratory of the project "Chinese State Key Laboratory of Quality", "Analog and mixed-signal VLSI National Laboratory." Macau folk live performance also.
The event in Macau in addition to the display of local products, will hold tourism promotion, introduced by the Macau Government Tourist Office Macau tourism projects and the environment, and provide a platform for exchange of both the industry; organize high-tech project negotiations, on-site dedicated high-tech show and discuss the project area, the project would enhance the Fujian and Macao matching the two high-tech exchanges and cooperation projects. For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour