
China Tours Anhui Regulates Tourism

This reporter recently learned from the Tourism Bureau of Anhui Province, a tourist market regulation storm is quietly blowing. The "zero or negative fare", "head money", "hire the black vehicle" will be the key areas. It is understood that tourism advertising, will focus on the containing "zero or negative fare", below normal cost price, fraud publicity, range, and to unauthorized foreign destination, etc. and the use of ambiguity, climb of , misleading language, marketing, tourism advertising illegal.

In the travel contracts, will focus on the travel agents do not travel with the group of tourists entered into the contract specifications, or intentionally concealed in the travel contract in tourist shopping, the behavior of the project at their own expense.

The tour guide services, will focus on the tour, forcing tourists shopping tour, forcing tourists to visit attractions at their own expense, to participate in the project at their own expense, without permission kickbacks, unauthorized changes to itineraries or travel service standards to reduce illegal behavior.

Provincial Tourism Bureau official said, for the inspection and unannounced visits to the problems found, in addition to administrative punishment, the related companies will cancel the annual selection of advanced qualifications, and to be exposed through the media. Serious offense, the nature of bad circumstances are serious, causing serious harm to tourism enterprises, according to the "Travel Regulations" and other relevant laws and regulations, shall be severely punished.For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour

