
Best China Tour: Anhui

1-7 months, Anhui province of domestic visitors 10,840.23 million, an increase of 25.92%; domestic tourism income 81.444 billion yuan, an increase of 33.58%. Anqing, Huangshan, Xuancheng, Hefei four cities the number of domestic tourists increased by more than 30%; Bozhou, Wuhu, Hefei, Bengbu, Huangshan, Ma On Shan, Anqing City, seven domestic tourism revenue grew more than 30%. Hefei, Huangshan, Anqing, Chizhou, Wuhu, Bengbu City, Ma On Shan seven domestic visitors exceeded 500 million people, including Hefei, Huangshan, Anqing three cities exceeded $ 10 million. Hefei, Huangshan, Chizhou, Anqing, Wuhu, Xuancheng 6 City domestic tourism revenue exceeded 3.0 billion, including Hefei, Huangshan cities of domestic tourism revenue exceeded 10 billion yuan.

Third, the reception area of focus

1-7 months, Anhui Province, 68 key monitoring tourist areas (spots) tourists 4,066.42 million, an increase of 17.96%; ticket sales 1.142 billion yuan, an increase of 18.27%, growth of 4.17 percentage points. July, 68 in Anhui Province key monitoring tourist areas (spots) tourists 5,850,200 passengers, up 22.7%; ticket sales 205 million yuan, an increase of 25.71%. 1-7 months received more than one million people have Mount Huang, Tianzhu, square special joy in the world, Fuyang scenic Bali River 11. Ticket revenues in excess of ten million dollars a Mount Huang, Tianzhu, square special joy in the world, Wuhu yarshan flowers Shilin, Hefei Wild Animal Park, Fuyang ecological paradise, Bali River 19 scenic spots.For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


China Travel Service: Tanabata Tour Festival

The afternoon of August 6, the Second China (Yun West) * Tianhe Tanabata Culture and Tourism Festival "business opportunities" Trade Fair in Yunxi Tianhe International Hotel. 5 success of the project contract, the contract funds up to 9.4496 billion yuan. 2 major tourism projects in which construction funds totaling 620 million.

It is reported that the Fair introduce item 103, of which: Automotive Auto 12 projects, 10 industrial park projects, 13 industrial projects, mining, industrial and downstream product development projects 20, 15 agricultural projects, tourism product development projects 15, 18 other industrial projects. Signing of major tourism projects are the East Austrian industrial investment of $ 500 million to build eco-agriculture sightseeing garden Qinchu; Guizhou Eastern Wine Company invested 120 million yuan to develop tourism projects Huanglong Cave.

Yunxi appointed secretary of the county once in his speech, Hu said in recent years, Yunxi always put investment to promote economic development as the first engine, always with an open mind, positive attitude, extraordinary courage, preferential policies, good service to attract and accept all major projects in the county "settled." Tanabata cultural development, has been a minor celebrity in the country to Yunxi with City Tianhe Road, North Ring Road, Ring Road completed before the end, urban area expanded from the current 9.8 square kilometers to 25 kilometers, high-end residential areas, rational distribution of tourist areas, a livable, desirable tourist industry, city, civilized city, the city health, eco-city will be a real show. "12.5" period, will build the world's Marriage Exposition (at 5A level scenic spots to build), Tianhe Scenic Area, the Tianjin city, the three official international hunting and other four 4A above area. Hu once said that with the Seibu high-speed rail in the "12th Five" Start building north of the city industrial park expansion, Yunxi environmental advantages, location advantages will become more prominent, will become all customers Yunxi competing investment.For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


China Discovery Tour: Yichun Discovery Tour

Eleventh National CCTV model contest for TV 69 young and beautiful figure Qiju Yi Chun. They smile the challenge and face setbacks, determined to pursue a dream. I still remember, as slippery floors, porcelain Wang Xuan 27 players accidentally falls on the stage, but elegant style self-confidence up, won warm applause and high praise from the judges; remember, from the Beijing Institute of Clothing players that Hiroko, review, continuous improvement, and ultimately with her elegant atmosphere of the typhoon, conquered the audience of judges and the audience ... They sentimental moonlight in Yichun, flying youth, chasing beautiful, grown up.
Yichun Hope Primary School in order to offer a caring, June 19, CCTV 11th National Model Contest promotion of the 14 models, in the scenic mountain moon shot on location, for tourists offer a wonderful performance art show . They will live to raise the 10,000 yuan of money donated to the local town of Hope Primary School hot water. "Through the game, I not only understand the stick to the important and more valuable to understand love, this time to raising money for the children Yichun, is my most unforgettable memories."
During the contest, the courage to test players, the team specifically chose the theme of dance with the snake shot for photo. Not from Xinjiang Abdurixit Du told reporters, at the beginning, she trembled with fright, and later, in the teacher's help and encouragement, she suddenly felt like a mother with a snake, the snake care of the feelings of wells. She feels this is her life can not forget the memories.For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


China Discovery Tour: China Danxia Scenery

To reviewing and summarizing the success of China Danxia included the first anniversary of the World Natural Heritage's work history and development results and fulfill "Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage", to promote the world's natural heritage resources, China Danxia strict protection and sustainable use, August 2, from China landform world Natural Heritage coordinating Leading Group organized Taining national Scenic zone Danxia China hosted the World natural Heritage protection Committee Inaugural professional first working meeting was held in Taining .

Meeting reviewed and summarized the success of the first anniversary of China Danxia to the work, considered by China Danxia World Natural Heritage Protection Committee of the professional program of work, professional Protection Committee and the Committee of Experts on the list of lists, and unanimously adopted "on the August 2 Japan identified China Danxia world Natural Heritage on the written proposal. "China Danxia World Heritage Committee was established to protect the professional, for strengthening China Danxia World Heritage protection and management of resources and scientific use, and promote the overall development of China Danxia area and local economic and social sustainable development are of great significance .

It is understood that since the success of World Natural Heritage Taining after taining to strengthen the protection of natural resources, set up a special bureau to strengthen protection of scenic resources, tourism resources protection, while playing World Heritage tourism branding and use, especially since 2011, Thailand rather rapid development of tourist reception, as in the first half, taining a total of 1.48 million tourists trips, an increase of 70% in 2010.For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


Best China Tour of Suzhou

Ancient cultural depth tour, Suzhou in recent years, pushing the tourism brands. Jinchang Tourism around this theme to promote the development of tourism, allowing visitors to slow down the pace, depth city streets, savor the Soviet way of life. Jin Chang focus on the standardization of tourism, improve the area, "food, housing, transportation, travel, shopping and entertainment, the" six elements of the standard system, the Marriott Hotel, Eldo Hotel, Le Xiang International Travel Service Co., Ltd., International Sports Travel Co. companies, more than 20 units are incorporated into the system by creating standardized Tourism provides visitors experience a more comfortable visit.

Among them, the ponds and Tourism Development Corporation is the subject of travel model created unit, at present, ponds Street visitor center and scenic spots on the LED light box, set the scroll broadcast standards on tourism promotion slogan, Stone Road Pedestrian Street, ponds and other prominent area sections also set up many promotional billboards, creating a strong atmosphere created. Food tourism is a major feature of ponds, dry Sheng-Yuan Holiday Hotel, Caizhizhai, Song Helou, etc. are now into the area in which standardized system, visitors can enjoy in addition to the authentic Soviet-style dim sum, the Soviet Union to help food outside, but also enjoy the standard of service. Ponds' roll gods ", such as in ponds and the wind plot tourism projects, the visitors through the Seven Mile ponds this fan" window "to understand the deep flavor of Wu culture. In May this year, also for the team off ponds Street launched the "Dream Tour ponds," the new project, visitors can enjoy the Roadway scenery by boat and shore temple tour gourd and enjoy "Dream of Red Mansions" in twelve other romantic to style. Next, the project is expected to open to the FIT.For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


China Budget Tour: Fujian Bus Tour

Correspondent 2 learned from the provincial Department of Transportation, the province will be the passenger stations, passenger vehicles and vigorously promote the work safety supervision and equipment installation. It is reported that in mid-August before all of the province's sleeper bus to Hoi monitor. Before the end of December to be the province for more than three terminal configuration, use of dangerous goods detector, before the end of the province's tourism charter, three bus lines to be installed above the class satellite positioning device.

According to statistics, as of the end of July, the province's 23 a bus terminal, 70 two terminal, dangerous goods detectors have been installed, the end of September before the Department of Transportation will use a comprehensive inspection of the organization; Under the arrangement, 35 three terminal to the end of class with all dangerous goods detector, equipped with terminal overdue, penalties will be downgraded.

In order to facilitate road transport and passenger transport companies and other departments, the operation of the dynamic master coach, half-way to prevent overcrowding of passenger boarding and bus driving, sleeper cars all across the province, especially the inter-provincial, inter-city sleeper vehicles to August installed before the middle of the video monitor. Will not install video monitors in sleeper cars, will be ordered to shutdown.

Also, all tourist charter, more than three classes-line buses, must be installed before the end of the required satellite positioning device, and access to provincial and municipal monitoring of key operating platforms and associated network traffic control system. Not complete the installation of the bus, from next year, will be eligible for suspension of operation of the vehicle certification.For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


Huangshan Scenic Area Winter Tour

From the travel alert display Huangshan Scenic Area, Huangshan now is the concept of clouds and enjoy the winter snows, ice hanging look, see Rime, a golden opportunity to experience the lucky Buddha. In addition, the Huangshan Scenic Area in this year's winter will arrange a series of planned promotional activities, in addition to 40% off ticket prices, the eco-walk will be held high, Pin Hui taste food and other interesting tours.

During the Huangshan Dong, Huangshan Tourism Development Co., Ltd. belongs to the hotel will also carry out "get scenic Huangshan Huizhou food products" activities, the hotel will launch Slices of the main tone of the food packages, specials every week there will be a Special bargain. In addition, from mid-December to January next year, Huangshan Scenic Area will be in the Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta and the northern Anhui, Hefei, Huangshan Dong activities organized by people, and strike out the Korean market, the joint major scenic spots of Huangshan City to Seoul, Busan held a "large-scale product description Huangshan Dong", and promotion of well-designed product line Huangshan Dong tourist attractions, and further develop the Korean market.For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour


Travel to Shandong Top 10 Ecological Tour Destinations

31. Juli wählte die Jury Dazhong Netzwerk Beurteilung und Bewertung Experten auf dem Gebiet Beurteilung, Provinz Shandong, die "Top Ten Wald ökologische Landschaft", Weifang Linqu Yishan National Forest Park, Forest Park, Shouguang Bohai zwei provinzielle Landschaft Provinz Shandong, erhielt den "Ten Wald Landschaftsökologie" ausgezeichnet.

Berichten zufolge in der Provinz Shandong Forestry Bureau, die Provincial Tourism Bureau, der Provinzial Wald Culture Association gemeinsam die "Shandong zehn Wald ökologische Landschaft"-Wettbewerb, die Jury durch die National Forest Scenic Resource Assessment Kommission, die Provincial Forestry Bureau, Provincial Tourism organisiert Bureau, der Provinzial Wald Resource Assessment Committee und die Landschaft der Medien-Experten. Nehmen Sie an der Auswahl der Wald ökologische Landschaft sind die physikalischen Landschaftsökologie, Landschaft, einschließlich forstlichen Ressourcen in einem einzigen geologischen, kulturellen, biologischen, hydrologischen, Landschaft und Himmel sind verwendet worden, aber nicht die Verwendung von hohem Wert oder Sightseeing-Expedition Abenteuer-Wert Einzel Waldökologie und Landschaft. Linqu Yishan National Forest Park, Forest Park, Shouguang Bohai zwei Provinzen Landscape Award.

Es versteht sich, dass die gegenwärtige Weifang Stadt Yishan, Heaven Hill, Shouyang Hill National Forest Park 3, Zhucheng Malta Bergen und anderen Provinzen Anqiu Wulong Forest Park 8, St. Shuiyu Qingzhou, Fangzi Kowloon Stream und andere kommunale Waldpark 12.For more information, please shift to Nice China Tour